
Code of Ethics for Copyright

1. We are diligently adhere to accept the norms of journalistic ethics and practices and maintain the high standards of professional conduct.

2. Accuracy, Transparency & Fairness is our main focus in terms of publishing news.

3. If news report or article is found to contain wrong, inaccurate information or copied then on approach by the concerned person or party, providing correct information, identifying himself or herself, providing required documents or material, the portion of the news report or article should be edited or deleted. If entire news report is found to contain false, inaccurate information, the entire article must be deleted.

4. Copyright in text, photographs, plans, diagrams, cartoons, etc must be respected. If copyrighted material is used, then prior permission should be taken and publication must acknowledge moral and ownership rights.

5. If permission requires payment of fee or royalty, the same must be paid.

6. Trade Marks and Service Marks of third parties not to be used except with prior permission or if such use constitutes fair use. We always ensure fair usage policy.

7. In case of infringement of intellectual property–upon receiving any request and after getting the necessary documents, the concerned content must be edited, deleted or take down if necessary. We are very serious about this.

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